How smartCOUNT works

smartCOUNT monitors your surge arrester’s condition and detects typical arrester failure modes – simply and clearly. And it is much more affordable than the worst case.

Just install the smartCOUNT App on your NFC featured Android phone, pick up the automatically logged data and know what’s going on – before it’s too late.


The smartCOUNT Cloud offers the total overview about the connected surge arresters and their according data. The cloud can be accessed from any web-connected device. The smartCOUNT Cloud provides the calculation of the resistive leakage current component based on the 3rd harmonic current values.

blue-yellow graphic symbolizes smartCOUNT-cloud

The smartCOUNT Datalogger acquires the surge arrester leakage current in adjustable cyclic intervalls. It stores 1000 records which include date, time, temperature, 3rd harmonic and peak /2 current as well as 1000 discharge current records.

closeup smartCOUNT Datalogger

The smartCOUNT Transponderpad allows communication between the datalogger and smartphone app via near field communication.

closeup smartCOUNT Transponderpad

The smartCOUNT App provides different functions for user account handling, configuration and data download of the datalogger. Data can also be conveniently uploaded to the smartCOUNT Cloud here.

closeup smartCOUNT App

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+49 36601 9328300

closeup smartCOUNT Datalogger

Monitoring surge arresters – why?

Without smartCOUNT

blue-yellow-red icon symbolizes various environmental damages on surge arresters

Surge arrester affected by surface pollution, humidity ingress or ZnO degradation

blue-yellow-red icon symbolizes that the safety-relevant protective effect cannot be guaranteed and is not detected in time without smartCOUNT

The surge arrester is not capable to protect the connected primary equipment

blue-yellow icon symbolizes lightning strikes on a power line

Lightnigh strikes into the power line

blue-yellow-red icon symbolizes that transformers cannot be protected against overvoltage without smartCOUNT

Unprotected primary equipment breaks down

blue-yellow-red icon symbolizes that without smartCOUNT there could be great economic damage that could have been prevented

Avoidable outtage, maintenance cost and penalties

With smartCOUNT

blue-yellow-green icon symbolizes that non-functional arrester can be detected immediately with the smartcount

The affected surge arrester was identified by smartCOUNT

blue-yellow-green icon symbolizes that a damaged arrester can be replaced by a functional one

The surge arrester was exchanged and protects the primary equipment again

icon symbolizes lightning strikes on a power line

Lightning strikes into the power line

blue-yellow-green icon symbolizes that the transformer is safe from overvoltage

The primary equipment is protected by the surge arrester

blue-yellow-green icon symbolizes the big budget relief through the smartCOUNT

Big savings due to healthy surge arresters – monitored by smartCOUNT

Your surge arresters protect primary high voltage equipment against damages from overvoltages. Todays surge arresters are highly reliable protective devices. Anyway a low percentage of surge arresters might suffer from serious unseen problems like degradation, humidity ingress or surface pollution, which can cause unexpected outages and immense maintenance cost. smartCOUNT will make your substation more reliable.

Reliable means here:

  • Less unplanned shutdowns
  • Less scheduled maintenance effort and
  • Safeguarded protection of the substation equipment

Free expert support channel

Discuss your findings with one of our smartCOUNT experts, corporately uncover defective surge arresters between well operating devices, discuss problems and do troubleshooting jointly.